प्रधानमंत्रीजी का राष्ट्र के नाम सम्बोधन की 7 बातें! लोकडौन 3 मई तक!!

प्रधानमंत्रीजी का राष्ट्र के नाम सम्बोधन की 7 बातें।

हम धैर्य बनाकर रखेंगे,
नियमों का पालन करेंगे तो कोरोना जैसी महामारी को भी परास्त कर पाएंगे।

इसी विश्वास के साथ अंत में,
मैं आज 7 बातों में आपका साथ मांग रहा हूं।

पहली बात-
अपने घर के बुजुर्गों का विशेष ध्यान रखें
– विशेषकर ऐसे व्यक्ति जिन्हें पुरानी बीमारी हो,
उनकी हमें Extra Care करनी है, उन्हें कोरोना से बहुत बचाकर रखना है।

दूसरी बात-
लॉकडाउन और Social Distancing की लक्ष्मण रेखा का पूरी तरह पालन करें ,
घर में बने फेसकवर या मास्क का अनिवार्य रूप से उपयोग करें।

तीसरी बात-
अपनी इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए, आयुष मंत्रालय द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करें,
गर्म पानी,
इनका निरंतर सेवन करें।

चौथी बात-
कोरोना संक्रमण का फैलाव रोकने में मदद करने के लिए आरोग्य सेतु मोबाइल App जरूर डाउनलोड करें।
दूसरों को भी इस App को डाउनलोड करने के लिए प्रेरित करें।

पांचवी बात-
जितना हो सके उतने गरीब परिवार की देखरेख करें,
उनके भोजन की आवश्यकता पूरी करें।

छठी बात-
आप अपने व्यवसाय, अपने उद्योग में अपने साथ काम करे लोगों के प्रति संवेदना रखें,
किसी को नौकरी से न निकालें।

सातवीं बात-
देश के कोरोना योद्धाओं,
हमारे डॉक्टर- नर्सेस,
सफाई कर्मी-पुलिसकर्मी का पूरा सम्मान करें।

पूरी निष्ठा के साथ 3 मई तक लॉकडाउन के नियमों का पालन करें,
जहां हैं,
वहां रहें,
सुरक्षित रहें।

वयं राष्ट्रे जागृयाम”,
हम सभी राष्ट्र को जीवंत और जागृत बनाए रखेंगे।

Narendra Modi PMO India

Councillor held for argument with health workers

A municipal councillor has

been arrested for allegedly getting into an argument with some health personnel collecting information in the backdrop of the spread of coronavirus, police said on Saturday.

The Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and other health personnel were collecting information on Friday as per the directives of the administration and the councillor at Nirmal town in Telangana allegedly argued with them, saying information would not be furnished, the police said.
Following a complaint by a health worker, a case has been registered on charges of obstructing the duty of a public servant and the Councillor was arrested, they said.
Meanwhile, police beefed up security at a state-run hospital and two government quarantine centres at Adilabad after some persons who are in isolation for coronavirus refused to cooperate with the medical authorities inthe hospital, includingnot willing to give samples for testing.
A hospital official made a complaint on the matter and appropriate legal action would be taken, police said.
Those who refused to cooperate with the authorities did so initially, but things are under control now, they said.
Adequate security personnel have been deployed, they added. A municipal councillor has
been arrested for allegedly getting into an argument with some health personnel collecting information in the backdrop of the spread of coronavirus, police said on Saturday.
The Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) and other health personnel were collecting information on Friday as per the directives of the administration and the councillor at Nirmal town in Telangana allegedly argued with them, saying information would not be furnished, the police said.
Following a complaint by a health worker, a case has been registered on charges of obstructing the duty of a public servant and the Councillor was arrested, they said.
Meanwhile, police beefed up security at a state-run hospital and two government quarantine centres at Adilabad after some persons who are in isolation for coronavirus refused to cooperate with the medical authorities inthe hospital, includingnot willing to give samples for testing.
A hospital official made a complaint on the matter and appropriate legal action would be taken, police said.
Those who refused to cooperate with the authorities did so initially, but things are under control now, they said.
Adequate security personnel have been deployed, they added.

India will always remain grateful to Subhas Chandra Bose: PM

India will always remain grateful to Subhas Chandra Bose: PM

New Delhi, Jan 23 (PTI) India will always remain grateful to Subhas Chandra Bose for his bravery and indelible contribution to resisting colonialism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday.

Paying tributes to Bose on his 123rd birth anniversary, the prime minister said that he stood up for the progress and well-being of his fellow Indians.

“On 23rd January 1897, Janakinath Bose wrote in his diary, ‘A son was born at midday.’ This son became a valorous freedom fighter and thinker who devoted his life towards one great cause- India’s freedom,” Modi said referring to Bose, popularly called Netaji.